Misfits Thanksgiving is a name I borrowed from a friend, who borrowed it from another friend who probably borrowed it from someone else, who may or may not have borrowed it from Kevin Bacon. Originally it was just a dinner someone hosted for their misfit friends (read: orphans, homebodies, ne’er-do-wells, vagabonds etc…) who either had nowhere to go on Thanksgiving or would rather spend it in the company of friends they ultimately considered family. The very nature of the Misfits Thanksgiving therefore grew to imply that a hodgepodge of personalities, viewpoints, skill sets, talents, achievements and interests would converge.

I think I’m pretty lucky to have everything in my social network from artists, gardeners, scientists, journalists, lawyers, mechanics, teachers, doctors, dancers, movers, and HR reps, to car salesmen, administrative assistants, pharma reps, nutritionists, illustrators, baristas, producers, copywriters, DJs, drummers and dog walkers. If not for the diversity of my friends I might have nothing to talk about. I’ve always joked that I wish it could be my job to be friends with cool people because by now I’d be a millionaire (“If I had a nickel for every dynamic friend…”). That said, you can expect me to boast most of their talents here. And if you are one of my friends and you are reading this, you’re awesome. Thanks for helping to make me cooler, by proxy.

I hope to mimic that same feel with this website, as a means to give thanks for all the Misfits in my life who have taught me so many different, yet invaluable lessons.

Thanks for reading. I hope you find something, anything here that interests you.

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